"The cultivation of grace, ambidexterity, fitness and poise."
"What is your image of the body type of a genius? Did you grow up, as I did, with the stereotype of the skinny, "four-eyed," brainiac nerd? It's amazing how many people associate high intelligence with physical ineptitude. With a few exceptions, the great geniuses of history were gifted with remarkable physical energy and aptitude, none more so than da Vinci."
"A number of scholars have suggested that Leonardo's passion for anatomy was a reflection of his own extraordinary physique. Dr. Kenneth Keele, author of "Leonardo da Vinci, the Anatomist," refers to him as "a unique genetic mutation" and emphasizes that his 'approach to the anatomy of the human body was significantly influenced by his own remarkable physical attributes.'"
"Aerobic conditioning: Leonardo guessed that arteriosclerosis was a cause of premature aging, and that it could be prevented by regular exercise. Dr. Kenneth Cooper and many other modern scientists have confirmed the maestro's intuition. Cooper, the originator of the concept of aerobics, found that regular moderate exercise has profoundly beneficial effects for the body and mind. Aerobic ('with oxygen') exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system, improving blood and therefore oxygen flow to your body and brain Your brain is, on average, less than 3 percent of your body's weight, yet it uses more than 30 percent of your body's oxygen. As you become aerobically fit, you double your capacity to process oxygen."
Paying attention to and taking care of the body is a no-brainer when you talk about operating at maximum capacity. Did you ever try to do homework late at night when you were exhausted, only to look over it the next day and wonder what you were thinking?
Talking about physical fitness and eating right can conjure up all sorts of negative feelings from those who haven't had much success incorporating it into their lives and condescension from those who find these activities easily. In our times, it's become a very contentious subject but that contentiousness shouldn't stop us from evaluating our lives in this area honestly and with an openness to improvement that we approach other areas. It's not about comparing ourselves to the modern concept of body image but about being honest with ourselves and identifying areas that we can work on that will give us more capacity to be at the peak of our own form compared to our own selves.
This is a path that no one else can give us although there are many that can help us find our path. Don't be afraid to be honest, don't be afraid to ask for help and don't forget to reach out to those who can give you constructive encouragement. Find accountability partners that can help you succeed.
(from "How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci" by Michael J Gelb)
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