Thursday, December 3, 2015

Comfort Zones

I've just been reading a blog post from Stu Hayesman about whether we should be in or out of our comfort zone ( and it's got me thinking. 

Everything you hear today, especially when we're talking about living a creative lifestyle, says that we have to "live outside the box."  I sort of know what some people are saying when they say that (some are just parroting it so I don't count them) but I'm not sure I buy it. I think the statement needs to be able to stand up to the tough questions. Things like:

1.  What do you mean by the box?
2.  Is it always bad to be in your box?
3.  Who said so?
4.  What does being outside it mean?
5.  Do I have to always be outside my box?
6.   Why or why not?
7.   Says who?

I think the original intent was to say, don't be afraid to experience things that aren't part of your normal day-to-day existence. Those experiences can help you grow and learn new things. If that's what you mean about the box, I'm with you. 

However if you mean that you should live in a way that you're always uncomfortable just for the sake of it, I say bosh. Not true. BS. 

Our "boxes" are where we live, they are where we exercise our expertise, it's where we recharge, it's where we feel safe. If you never feel safe, you'll never have the confidence to succeed. If you never recharge, you'll wear out. If you don't ever have a place to do the stuff of living, you'll die. 

As in so many things, people jump on a band wagon and repeat things that sound good even when they don't really understand what they're doing or saying. 

So I say that there's no shame about the box. It's there for a purpose. I also say that it's good to be challenged in our perspectives, our assumptions and our opinions. Let's agree to respectfully discourse and give people and the wider universe around us permission to challenge us to be the best human beings we can in our world so we can bring positive affirmation and change to the those around us. 

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