Have you ever been to the grocery store looking for something in particular? You go up on isle and down the other and just can't find it. Sometimes if you go down the isle in the opposite direction, it will show up like flashing lights? Why is that? I have no idea but I do know that it's a concept that can be applied when you're looking for a solution.
You go over and over the situation in your head. Chances of figuring something out are slim. Your vision becomes too narrow.
You go over and over the situation in your head and you talk about it with others. Chances are improved. The others you talk to should be able to provide a little different perspective.
You go over and over the situation in your head and you talk about it to other but then you stop and approach it from an entirely different angle all together. Chances are good you'll find a solution.
How do you do that? Questions are a good place to start.
"In all affairs, it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted." - Bertrand Russell
Think about how you define your problem or challenge or need then ask the question, "Is this really the problem (challenge) (need)?"
"What if I stepped into someone else's shoes and was presented with this problem (challenge)(need)? How would it look from their viewpoint?"
"What if I got this solution and was looking back at myself now? What advice would I give myself?"
"What if this problem (challenge) (need) was someone else's and the pressure wasn't on me to find a solution? What would I advise?"
So when you're in that place of needing to solve an issue, try going down the up isle and see things you've never seen before.
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