Friday, April 1, 2016

Emerging Creatively

It's a blogosphere cliche to make the obvious comment that it's been a while since I've posted. Between being hit by a couple of severe illnesses and some internal struggles, I've been at best unfaithful to my goals for this site. 

Nevertheless I'm regaining the desire to fight back and resume my purpose in establishing this blog. Which is really kind of the point of my designation for this year being dedicated to completion/ follow through of projects, goals and aims. 

I was inspired today by a TEDTalk given by Elizabeth Gilbert, primarily known for her book, "Eat, Love, Pray." I'd heard her on a radio chat show talking about the mystery of creativity/genius but I hadn't heard the entire presentation as presented here. 

I love her take on the creative process and the conclusions she puts forward to just keep showing up and do what is your responsibility to do and leave the inspiration to show up or not. Do your part and do it to your highest ability. That's all you have control over. 

Take a listen and see if she doesn't inspire you, too.